Kenya: At least 13 deaths and over 15,000 displaced As Floods Wreak havoc In Kenya.
According To The United Nation, At Least 13 eople have lost Their Lives While Over 15,000 Has been displaced As A Result Of The Intense Rains That Have Been Falling On Various Parts Of Kenya.

At least 13 people have died and about 15,000 people have been displaced as a result of the intense rains that have been plaguing various parts of Kenya, stated by the United Nations. Forecasters have warned that additional rain is possible through June.
Citing the Kenya Red Cross Society, the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported on Thursday that about 20,000 people were impacted, with an estimated 15,000 of them having been displaced since the country’s start of the rainy season in mid-March due to severe rains and flash floods.
Submerged buildings.
Thousands of people have died in the East African nation due to floods in the past rainy seasons, mostly in the areas around lakes and downstream of large rivers. According to the Kenya Red Cross Society, five significant and Nine of the nation’s 47 counties have reported flooding events so far. There have been reports of mudslides in the central areas. In the western region of the nation, in Narok County, four people lost their lives on Tuesday.
In order to save more lives and prevent the spread of waterborne illnesses, individuals who are displaced and living in the camps are being supplied “lifesaving assistance,” including clean drinking water and shelter, according to Ahmed Idris, secretary general of the Kenya Red Cross Society.
Local media reports have put the death toll from flooding in recent days at 11, with over two thousand people displaced. “We have people who have been internally displaced, who don’t have a place to call home, no roof on top of their heads, their farmlands have been submerged,” sqid Willis Omulo, a resident of Homa Bay in the country’s west. Rescued passengers
”We are also talking about high rates of wildlife animal conflict. Here we are talking about hippos that are marauding within the community, scavenging for pasture because their grazing lands have been submerged. This is really a threat to the community and [is] causing a lot of insecurity,” he added.
Kenya’s meteorological authority had issued warnings about extremely high rains and urged citizens to get ready for flooding.
Community roads were washed out by floodwaters in Kirinyaga County, impeding transportation. 51 passengers were rescued after their bus was swept away by floodwaters on a bridge On Tuesday, in northern Kenya.